Home » Best Alternatives to Cable Face Pull for Effective Shoulder Workout
Cable Face Pull Alternative

Best Alternatives to Cable Face Pull for Effective Shoulder Workout

by Wendy


Cable face pull alternatives are some key exercises to work the exact same muscle group, either when you cannot access a cable machine or just to mix things up in a shoulder workout. These alternatives improve your posture and provide stabilization in the shoulders but help avoid injuries as well.

Benefits of Variety in Shoulder Workouts

Add in some exercise variations to your shoulder workout to avoid muscle adaptation. It keeps one protected from overuse injuries and gives balanced development to the muscles. It, in turn, hits most of the muscle fibers in the muscles, building strength in a general sense.

Key Muscles Worked

Alternatives to cable face pull hit the rear delts, traps, rhomboids, and rotator cuff hard, which develops upper body strength and is highly important for shoulder stability.

Best Substitutes for Cable Face Pull

Band Pull-Aparts

Take a shoulder-width stance with your knees in a slightly bent position.

Hold a resistance band at shoulder height with your hands and stretch it by extending both arms forward in front of your chest.

Spread the band apart by pushing your hands to the sides and ensure that both your arms are straight.

Squeeze your shoulder blades and return to the original slowly.

Muscles Worked and Benefits

Band pull-aparts are great for engaging rhomboids and rear delts, increasing scapular stability, and improving posture.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Otherwise, the form could be sacrificed with an ultra-thick band.

Keep the movement controlled to engage the muscle properly.

Dumbbell Reverse Flys

Band pull-aparts are great for engaging rhomboids and rear delts, increasing scapular stability, and improving posture.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Incline down so that nearly your whole torso is parallel with the floor.

With your arms slightly bent, lift the dumbbells to the sides of your body until your arms are parallel to your shoulders.

Lower the dumbbells in and repeat.

Benefits Over Cable Face Pulls

The dumbbell version creates constant tension on the rear delts and upper back musculature throughout the full range of motion, giving it the edge in muscle activation.

TRX Rows

Hold the TRX with handles and maintain body straight and step back a little

Draw your chest into the handles

Squeeze the shoulder blades together

Lower yourself back to the initial stage

Repeat the process

Engaged muscles and Benefits

TRX rows work your core as you balance; they are also exceptional at hitting your upper back and rear delts.

Form Tweaks to Get More Out of this Exercise

Up or down on your angles to make it harder or easier.

Perform this one nice and slow to get maximum muscle engagement.

Cable Rear Delt Raise

Put the cable machine on the bottom position with single handle attachment in place.

Hinge at the hips so that your torso is almost parallel to the floor.

Pull the handle up and out to the side—a very slight bend in your elbow

Hold for a second at the top, then lower back down to start

Benefits Over Face Pulls

The rear delt cable will offer continuous tension, such that the rear delts are fully engaged. This is what you need for better muscle growth and stability.

Form Tips and Variations

Keep your torso tight and avoid using momentum.

Cable one-arm rear delt raises for even more concentration and control.5. Scap Push-UpsScap Push-Ups Detailed Guide Lie in a push-up position with hands underneath the shoulders.

Keep your arms straight as you retract your scapula, pushing your chest down slightly.

Protract the scapula—by pushing your upper back to the ceiling.

Repeat for however many reps one would like.

Scap push-ups are great for scapular stabilizers and are therefore important for shoulder health and posture.

Pros and Cons

Great exercise to strengthen scapular control and for the development of scapular stability.

Ensure that the form is correct to not stress the shoulders over the necessity.

Face Pull with Resistance Band

Affix a resistance band at the top level.

Now, stand a little away from the band, catching it with both hands.

Leading with the elbow, bring the band back toward the face.

Bring the scapulae into a squeeze before coming back into the starting position.

Muscle Activation and Benefits

The resistance band face pulls are very identical to the cable face pull. The exercise targets the rear delts and upper back muscles more specifically.

Common Mistakes and Corrections

Avoid making the band too tense; use slow, controlled movements to assist the muscle. How to include these exercises in your workout Building a well-balanced shoulder workout You want shoulder workouts that include exercises that hit all parts of your shoulders. Include some pushing and pulling exercises that can build up your shoulders comprehensively. 

Sample workout for the week


Band pull parts, dumbbell reverse flys, TRX rows

Day 2

Cable Rear Delts across, Scap Push-Ups, Face Pulls of a Resistance Band

Day 3

Compound exercises which involves shoulder presses and others along with lateral raises


What are some other good alternatives to cable face pulls?

Some of the best alternatives include the Band Pull-Aparts, Dumbbell Reverse Flys, TRX Rows, Cable Rear Delt Raises, Scap Push-Ups, and Face Pulls with Resistance Bands.

Can these exercises be done at home?

Yes, most of these, such as Band Pull-Aparts, Dumbbell Reverse Flys, and Face Pulls with Resistance Bands, can be done at home provided you have the basic accessories.

How often should I do these exercises?

Implement them two to three times a week, but ensure that you leave a sufficient number of rest days between each session to allow your muscles to recover.

Equipment I will need for the replacements ?

Resistance bands, dumbbells, TRX straps, and assuming I have a cable machine

Would a beginner be able to substitute this?

Most of them can be done as a beginner since many of these exercises can be adjusted. Once you get stronger, maintain proper form and bring in more intensity.

Conclusion: Include these cable face pull alternatives in your workout routine for the development of balance that doesn’t lead one to plateaus. Learn such exercises so that you surely have a well-balanced— hence, really effective—shoulder training routine with or without some kind of equipment.

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