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does creatine break a fast

Does Creatine Break a Fast?-A Complete Guide

by Curtis

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Creatine contains no calories and does not cause an insulin spike, so it doesn’t break your fast. Thus, you can take it during a fast without breaking the fasting state.


Knowing how different dietary supplements interact with your fasting is very key in keeping your fitness goals. This blog will let you know if creatine breaks a fast and give insights on how one might use it effectively during periods of fasting.

Understand Fasting and Creatine

What is Creatine?

Creatine is an endogenously produced compound in the organism and in large amounts through the diet from meat and fish. In principle, it supplies cells—especially muscles—with energy by forming ATP: adenosine triphosphate, generally called ‘energy currency’ of the cells. It is used among athletes and anybody doing vigorous exercise to increase muscle strength and muscle endurance, and for recovery.

Basics of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting revolves around the simple idea of taking alternate periods of fasting with periods of eating. Common protocols include the 16/8 method, in which you fast for 16 hours and then eat within an 8-hour window, and the 5:2 diet, where one would eat normally for five days and then restrict intake for the remaining two.

Aside from improving weight loss, metabolic health, and longevity, increasing fasting restricts the times of eating by putting the body into a fat-burning state. This manages weight and health generally. 

How Creatine Works With Fasting

Caloric Effect Creatine has no calories and thus will not break a fast. Has no intake and thus will not ruin the zero-calorie intake needed when fasting.

Insulin Response Although creatine may cause a small insulin spike, the response is minute and not at all significant enough to interfere with any type of fasting.

Unlike other supplements that may include added sugars or carbs, pure creatine monohydrate is unlikely to have any major impact on insulin levels.

How to Use Creatine While Fasting: Practical Tips

If one is conducting intermittent fasts, take your creatine during feed windows for maximal absorption and efficient reaping of benefits. Taken during a fasting period, though it wouldn’t break the fast, the effectiveness could be at a low level due to minimal nutrient availability. 

Finding the Right Creatine Product Go for a pure creatine monohydrate that contains no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. For as far as Naked Nutrition claims, this might interfere with insulin levels and add some extra calories. 

How to Use Creatine While Fasting: Practical Tips

Benefits of Supplementing With Creatine During Fasting

Increased Workout Performance 

Creatine works on increasing the energy produced in muscles, furthering performance during intensive workouts. According to Naked Nutrition, it sustains strength and power for one to have an effective training during a fast.

Muscle Recovery and Maintenance 

Creatine helps the human muscle recover by restoring the muscle ATP levels following a workout. This is quite important during a fast when it is relatively hard to maintain muscle mass since one is taking in a few calories.

Possible Negatives and Precautions

Mild Insulin Spike 

While the effect of creatine on insulin in general is negligible, ultra-responders to even the slightest fluctuation in insulin levels must take note of their reactions. These are pretty much negated by the benefits of creatine Transparent Labs minor effects.

Individual Variations

Since everybody has a different metabolic rate and individual goals for fasting, creatine responds to you differently. The adjustment must thus be according to your body’s reactions. You will best consult with a medical professional for advice in case you have some kind of pain.

Possible Negatives and Precautions of Creatine

Expert Opinions and User Experiences

Nutritionists’ Views

Most experts agree that creatine is safe during your fast, does not break the fast, and supports muscle maintenance during such activities. Besides, it supports workout performance; hence, it is important during times of fasting as a supplement.


Many users testify positively about experiencing improved workout performances and better muscle recovery without negatively affecting their fasting when on creatine supplement.


Does creatine spike insulin?

By all accounts, creatine causes very minimal spikes of insulin; so insignificant that it would not be considered breaking a fast.

Can I take creatine on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can take creatine on an empty stomach. Some reported a small degree of stomach discomfort.

Does creatine absorb quickly?

While creatine absorption varies, this has been shown to occur mostly during a meal.

Should I take creatine before eating or after?

Mixing creatine post-workout with a meal will enhance the absorption, but it can also be taken before a fast if that better suits your fasting schedule.

Can I take creatine with protein?

Yes. Mixing creatine with protein works well, more so on the feeding windows. It enhances muscle recovery and growth.

What should not be taken with creatine?

Take creatine without added sugar or artificial sweetener, just for the sake of the argument, to enjoy fast benefits and not have an insulin spike.


Creatine will not break a fast because of its zero calorie count, but it does involve an extremely mild effect on insulin. For most goals on fasting, creatine can become a useful addition. Always consider individual responses; if necessary, consult with a healthcare professional.

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