Home » Frozen Factor Meals: The Ultimate Guide – 2024
can you freeze factor meals

Frozen Factor Meals: The Ultimate Guide – 2024

by Brandon

Yes, you can freeze Factor meals. Freezing Factor meals is a convenient way of making them last longer than the normal seven days in the fridge. Normally, Factor meals should last in a freezer for a maximum of three months in good condition, with some expected texture and flavor changes. For best results, freeze the components of the meals separately, making sure that they are in airtight containers or wrapped tightly to avoid freezer burn.

Understanding Factor Meals and Freezing:

Factor meals arrive fresh at your doorstep, refrigerated, and never frozen. They will last fresh in the fridge for approximately seven days. If you know you can’t eat it within that week, well, freeze it to save it from getting spoiled and enjoy it later.

Why Freeze Factor Meals?

Freezing Factor meals prolongs the nutritional value and flavor much longer. This is really helpful for leftovers or even if your time changes and you can’t eat the meals within the stipulated time.

How to Freeze Factor Meals:

Freezing Unopened Factor Meals:

  • In Original Packaging:

If it comes in undamaged packaging, you can freeze in the original containers.

  • Extra Shield:

Store packages inside a plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

How to Freeze Opened Factor Meals:

  • Divide and Rule:

Divide the meal into small portions, so it is easier to thaw and consume it.

  • For Airtight Space:

Transfer the portions of the divided meal into an airtight container or zip lock bag by extracting as much air from the container as possible.

  • Write Down The Date:

 Label containers with the date of freezing to keep a tab on how many days have passed since its freezing period.

Recommended Storage Duration:

  • Avoid Long Storage:

Ensure that the frozen meal gets finished within three months for maximum quality.

Quality of Factor Meal When Frozen

  • Changes in Texture and flavor:

Freezing can change the texture of Factor meals-especially their vegetables and proteins. That being said, this change is minimized with great packaging and handling. It is also important to note that some types of meals freeze better than others.

For example, roasted or cooked vegetables, cooked chicken and mashed potatoes freeze well. Formation of white patches known as freezer burn can lower quality

How to avoid:
  • Package in airtight containers making sure no air is trapped with the food.
  • Defrost and Reheat Factor Meals
  • Safest Defrosting Methods

Defrosting Factor Meals:


Move food from freezer to refrigerator to thaw. Allow thawing overnight. Most safe and best way to preserve your food’s texture

Cold Water Thawing:

 Allow sealed container to sit under cold running water

Reheating Factor meals:


Reheat 3 minutes, then check and continue 30 seconds at a time until done.


Transfer to an oven-safe dish, cover with foil, and bake for approximately 15 minutes, adjusting time based on the meal.


Can All Factor Meals Be Frozen?

While most Factor meals can be, with parts not performing as well, this is not recommended. However, best to look at each meal individually, and if needed, freeze components separately….

How Many Days Will Factor Meals Last in the Freezer?

Factor means it will last for around three months in the freezer.

Is It Possible to Refreeze Factor Meals?

Refreezing is not feasible as this way degradation in texture and flavor is more and it may lead to more bacteria infestation. Just pay attention to the drastic color changes, unpleasant smell or freezer burn—all these will have to suggest the meal is not safe for consuming.


 Freezing Factor meals can be such a pragmatic way of extending the lifespan of prepared meals. These nutritious meals can still be taken even when one’s calendar is so tight and may not allow for fresh meal preparation, through effective freezing in combination with defrosting and reheating approaches.


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