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How Protein Can Help You Lose Weight

How Protein Can Help You Lose Weight Through

by Curtis


Eating protein as part of your weight loss meal plan is encouraged because it will enhance the chances of regularly feeling full, playing a role of raising the basal metabolic rate and it assists in preserving muscle mass when on a low-calorie diet.

 It is interesting to report the discovery that when the right amount of protein is consumed, the calories in-take culture reduces, and fat loss increases while lean muscle mass is maintained.

Information on Protein Along with Its Function in The Body

What is Protein?

Protein is also a macronutrient that cannot be missed in body building as well as in repairing of tissues and formation of enzymes and hormones. They incorporate substances such as amino acids which are the accumulating elements needed in the performance of several tasks in the human body.

Some proteins are known as the complete proteins mainly got from animal foods while others are called the incomplete ones mainly got from the plant foods.

Why do Humans Need Proteins?

Protein intake is critical to one’s general health and productivity levels in the community and should be consumed in proper proportion. Consequences of low protein diet.

 The main consequences of low protein diet are muscle deterioration, suppressed immunity, and slow healing of the organism. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are diseases that occur due to a long-term deficiency of proteins in the diet, by which growth and development are seriously affected.

Protein’s Biological Functions

Proteins play multiple roles, including:

  • Muscle repair and growth.
  • Supporting immune function.
  • Hormone production.
  • Metabolic reactions and its associated functions of enzymes.
  • Protein and Its Connection with Weight Loss and Science

Protein’s Biological Functions

Protein and Satiety

Protein also has the ability of enhancing one’s feeling of satiety, this therefore explains why it facilitates a decrease in calorie intake. This is achieved through:

Like fats, protein also takes a long time to be absorbed in the body as well as the rate of digestion as compared with carbohydrates.

As a result, it decreases the energy and hunger levels by signalling the concentration of appetite regulating hormones; ghrelin.

Thermic Effect of Protein

Similarly, in the same aspect, protein is posited to have the highest thermogenic effect as compared to fats and carbohydrates. Regarding the weight loss goal, by elevating the basal metabolic rate, it could help when it comes to shedding calories.

Realistic Plan to Enhance Consumption of Protein

Protein-Rich Foods

Incorporating a variety of protein sources ensures a balanced intake:

  • Animal-Based Sources

Poultry: chicken, fish, eggs; dairy products.

  • Plant-based sources 

Beans, lentils, tofu and quinoa.

  • Protein Supplements

It means that protein powders and bars can be useful especially for people with increased protein requirements or with the intensive daily schedule. Examples of these are whey, casein or non-animal sources of proteins that come from plant sources.


Realistic Plan to Enhance Consumption of Protein

Protein Intake Recommendations

Daily Protein Requirements

Thus, the quantity of protein which shall be consumed differs depending on age, sex, and level of physical activity. Generally, 0.8 daily is recommended per kilogram of body weight, yet for the working and athletes, the amounts vary.

Balancing Protein with Other Nutrients

A diet should not be over-emphasized on protein alone, but more so on the quality proteinIt is wise to strike a balance of the intake of carbs and fats so that the body of a person is not deprived of them. Protein should be consumed along with such foods as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Possible Disadvantages of High Protein Diets

Health risks of excessive protein:

Again, protein is good but when taken in large quantities it puts much pressure on the kidney and the liver. It is important to control the consumption and make sure that it meets the state of health and the suggested advice.

Balancing Saturated Fats and Protein

Saturated Fats and protein is a component that is in most foods and is usually balanced in most of the foods even in the preferred nutritional foods. 

This way, one is able to choose lean sources of proteins so that they do not overindulge in saturated fats.Plentiful proteins include source of skinless poultry, fish, and plant-based proteins for heart health.


Possible Disadvantages of High Protein Diets

Common Vegetarian Protein Sources


Beans, lentils, and peas belonging to pulses or legumes are considered good sources of protein, fibre, and many nutrients. Examples of products of the legumes family are black beans, chickpeas, lentil, and peas. These foods are rich in proteins that help in repairing muscles.


Black beans, kidney beans, and garbanzo beans.


Red lentils, green ones and Brown ones.


Green split peas, green field peas and chickpeas.


The Complete Protein Quinoa should be appreciated within the group of plant proteins due to the fact that it is a perfect one because it announces all nine unreplaceable amino acids.

It is a nutritional and fibre rich source of grain that provides magnesium and antioxidants to maintain good health.

Nuts and Seeds:

Nuts and seeds are dense in protein, good fats, and vitamins. They can be added to breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and even snacks.


Almonds, walnuts, and cashews.


Chia seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are  beneficial for intake 


Is It Possible for Protein Intake to Be High?

Yes, excess protein put load on the kidneys and liver and leads to nutritional deficiencies.

What is the Proper Amount of Protein That Can Be Consumed in Order to Gain Weight?

It is recommended for the daily intake of protein to be 0.8-1.2 gram per kilogram of body weight depending on the client’s activity level and fitness objectives.

Do Plant Based Protein Foods Work As Efficient as Animal Based Protein Foods in Weight Loss Process?

Yes, plant based proteins can also be equally good and they also come with other benefits such as fibre and antioxidants.

What are Some Fast and Simple Types of Foods High in Protein?

Some of them are Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, nuts and protein shakes.


A macronutrient of extreme importance in weight loss programs is protein because of its ability to increase satiety, metabolism, and muscle mass.

You ought to know of the advantages of the system and employ it in the right manner in your meals plan if you are to obtain ideal body balance and general health.

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