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goblet squat vs sumo squat

Goblet Squat vs Sumo Squat- which is best Body Workout

by Wendy

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Neither one overshadows the other with respect to the land of squats. Goblet and sumo squats have special benefits in helping you get those extra inches closer to your goals. 


Today, in this blog, we are going to break down exactly what makes each squat so special—to help show you which it is that you should put into your workout routine.

What is Global Squat?

Basically, a goblet squat is done while holding a kettlebell or a dumbbell in front of your chest. This variation aims to make it easier for one to get their balance and the right shape of squatting.

Benefits of Goblet Squats

  • The movement helps engage quads apart from glutes, core, and upper back.
  • Enhance form about squats: The weight kept in front promotes an upright torso.
  • Novice-friendly: When squatting, it is easy and safe for a person to learn 

How to Do Goblet Squat 

  • Stand on your feet width apart with one dumbbell or a kettlebell held close to the chest.
  • Maintain the setback, bend at the knees and hips thus lowering your body into a squat. Chest up, back straight.
  • Return: Extend at the hips and the knees, standing up through the heels.

Sumo Squats Explanation

What is Sumo Squat?

The sumo squat is just a squat done along with your legs spread wide and toes pointed outward. This sumo variation will hit the inner thigh and glutes much more than conventional squatting.

Benefits of Sumo Squats

  • They work the inner thighs and the glutes; this exercise is an excellent addition to your workout routine for lower body strength. 
  • It will help with general hip mobility and might add more to flexibility and improvement in the hips.
  • Reduces lower back strain

How to Do a Sumo Squat

  • Feet distance apart—much wider than the shoulders—with toes forward.
  •  Allow the body to drop into a squat at knee and hip level in which the chest is up and the knees track over the toes.
  • Drive back to the top using the heels.

In-Depth Comparison of Goblet Squat vs Sumo Squat

Stance and Range of Motion

Goblet squats are done from a stance about the length of one’s shoulders. In the case of a sumo squat, one has to stand much wider with the toes pointed slightly outward. It’s this very rotation that changes the difference in ROM and which muscle groups are at work between the two.

Goblet squats work quads, glutes, and the core; on the other hand, sumo squats target inner thighs combined with glutes. Now, this information will help you learn your differences, hence choosing the right squat for set goals.

Pros and Cons

Goblet Squats:


  • Very easy to learn; great for improving on the form of the squat; versatile.


  • Little weight that can only be used as compared to that used in the barbell squatting.

Sumo Squats:


  • Made to be quite very useful for the inner thighs and mobility for the hips. Sumo squats also cut down on strain at the lower back.


  • They require more flexibility and balance.

Which Squat is Right for You?

If squat perfection floats your mind and you want to hammer quads and glutes at the same time, then goblet squats have got your back. If you want to give a little more hit in the inner thighs along with the glutes, or want to work on hip mobility, use sumo squats.

Keep This in Mind While Practicing.

Consider where you are in terms of fitness, previous injuries, and the type of equipment available. Sure, obviously, any of the squats can be done with very minimal equipment at all; however, the right choice really depends on what is wanted.

Common Variations and Their Benefits

Goblet Squat Variations

  • Paused Goblet Squat

Pause a little at the bottom for extra time under tension.

  • Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Do this variation using a Kettlebell instead of a dumbbell. It’s going to have you adopt a dissimilar kind of grip.

  • Heel Raised Goblet Squat

Raise your heels, placing more focus on quads.

Sumo Squat Variations

  • Sumo Deadlift High Pull

It combines sumo squat and upper body pull.

  • Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Added resistance as it has weights. 


Are Goblet Squats and Sumo Squats the Same thing?

  • No, the stance and targeting muscles are different. Goblet squats really hit the quads and glutes hard, while Sumo squats hit the inner thighs and glutes hard.

Can Goblet Squats and Sumo Squats Be Done Together?

  • Yes. When combined, they build in some much-needed variability into the routine for a really good lower body workout.

How Often Should You Do These Squats?

  • You’d want to do these 2–3 times a week depending on how fit you are and what exactly you’re aiming for from your fitness and exercise program.

Which Exercise Would You Do If You wanted To Bulk Up?

  • Both are great, but it really does appear that sumo squats just edge out the traditional variety in terms of really getting a good contraction going on in the inner thighs and glutes.

Out of The Above Two Exercises, Which is More Beginner-Friendly?

  • Yes, both of the above kinds of squats should comparatively be safe for beginners. Although Goblet squats look easier to begin with for a starter.


Actually, choices between goblet squats and sumo squats come down to taste and fitness goals. They have some different benefits, but there is still room for either if you generally do want a proper, well-rounded workout on those legs.

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