Home » Good Mornings vs Romanian Deadlifts: A Comprehensive Comparison
good morning vs romanian deadlift

Good Mornings vs Romanian Deadlifts: A Comprehensive Comparison

by Wendy


The good morning and the Romanian deadlift are two great exercises to put in the toolbox for building that back chain. Both exercises hit the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes but in a slightly different manner. Let’s explore what gives them each their own identity.

Understanding Good Mornings

What Are Good Mornings?

Good Mornings are lower-back, hamstring, and glute exercises whereby you bend at the hip with the bar on your back, like in a bowing motion.

Good Mornings Benefits

  • Back and posterior chain strengthening
  • Enables better squats and deadlifts.
  • Best practices for hip hinge mechanics. 

How to Do a Good Morning 

1. Setup: 

The same as a squat. A barbell rests on your upper back. 

2. Execution:

 Hinge at your hips, maintaining a straight back and a slightly bent knee.

3. Common Faults:

 Do not round your back and keep the lift controlled in the descent.

Learning Points of Romanian Deadlifts

Definition of Romanian Deadlifts

This type of lifting primarily aims at your hamstrings and glutes. Since the moving method ensures you maintain a rigid back and pushed-back hips, you focus on lowering a barbell down the leg.

Benefits of Romanian Deadlifts

  • Strengthens hamstrings and glutes.
  • Deadlift performance will be improved.
  • Compelling Hip Hinge Form

How to do Romanian Deadlifts

1. Setup:

 Stand with your feet at hip-width and hold a barbell with an overhand grip.

2. Performance:

 Hinge at your hips, then lower the barbell down your legs while keeping it close to your body.

3. Performance Faults:

Keep the bar from drifting away from your legs. Do not round your back.

Good Mornings vs Romanian Deadlifts: Uncovered

Muscle Activation

Good Mornings work more the lower back and the posterior chain, while RDLs work more on the hamstrings and glutes.


Good Mornings are a bowing movement with a barbell on your back, while with an RDL, an athlete lowers the barbell along the legs with a hip hinge movement.

Equipment/Set Up

The barbell is in your upper back for a Good Morning. You hold the barbell in your hands for an RDL.

Pros and Cons of Good Mornings and Romanian Deadlifts

Good Mornings


  •   Strengthen lower back.
  •   Improve squatting mechanics.


  •   Higher chance of back injury if done incorrectly.

Romanian Deadlifts


  •   Exceptional Posterior Chain Activation
  •   Increase Deadlift Strength


  •   Extra flexibility is needed to execute the lift properly

When to Use Good Mornings vs Romanian Deadlifts

Training Goals

Good Mornings: 

For strengthening the lower back and enhancing squatting mechanics

Romanian Deadlifts:

Hamstring and glute development

Sport-Specific Applications


RDLs improve deadlift strength.


Both exercises help in muscle hypertrophy.

Athletic Training:

Good Mornings master hip-hinge mechanics.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Both are usable exercises that have the potential to prevent injury when correctly inserted into a training program. However, Good Mornings have much more injury risk than Romanian Deadlifts due to the mechanic of the exercise.

How to Program These Exercises

Programming Suggestions

  • Program both exercises to get complete muscular development.
  • Do good mornings once a week and RDLs twice a week.

Sample Workout Plans

Day 1:

Squats, Good Mornings, Leg Press.

Day 2: 

Deadlifts, Romanian Deadlifts, Lunges.

Modifications and Variations

For Beginners: 

Light weight should be used for form development.

Advanced Variations: 

Do single-leg RDLs or band-resisted Good Mornings.

Expert Opinions and Common Misconceptions

Insights from Trainers and Athletes

Trainers advice Good Mornings for work on better squat mechanics and RDLs for hamstring development. Good Mornings are advised for strength development and RDLs for hamstring work. Athletes train them both for the sake of overall body strength.


Are Good Mornings the Same as RDL?

  • Not quite, they do target all the same muscles, however, their techniques call for different muscle use.

Which Is the Safer Exercise for a Beginner?

  • While both exercises can be performed safely if the form is correct, RDLs are generally easier for beginners to perform safely.

Can Good Mornings Replace Squats?

  • No, Good Mornings are an assistant and not a substitute for squats.

Do RDLs Improve Your Deadlift?

  • Yes, they are superb for the lockout.

How Do I Prevent Possible Lower Back Pain From These Exercises?

  • Ensuring good form/skill is key and not using too much weight with high-reps.


So, if you want to develop a stable posterior chain, both Good Mornings and Romanian Deadlifts are fantastic exercises. Learn the differences and how to execute them with form, and you can be including these with balance and symmetry into your workout regimen.

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