Home » L Citrulline vs Citrulline Malate: Benefits & Dosage

L Citrulline vs Citrulline Malate: Benefits & Dosage

by Curtis

What is L-Citrulline?

L-Citrulline is one of the non-essential amino acids normally taken in supplemental form is found in vegetation such as water melon, cucumber and pumpkin. 

They play a vital role to the urea cycle and are involved in the detoxification of the ammonia compound which is toxic, resulting from the breakdown of proteins. 

It is then converted to L-arginine in the renal tissues, thereby leading to an increased formation of nitric oxide (NO). 

Nitric oxide is a biomolecule that plays a crucial role in general health with a particular focus on vascular health due to the role it plays in the dilation of blood vessels. 

What is Citrulline Malate?

Citrulline Malate is a supplement that contains L-Citrulline and Malic Acid and is used as a supplement used in the body to improve circulation and blood flow.

Malic acid is manufactured during the citric acid cycle which is a cell’s source of adenosine triphosphate, an energy producing component. 

Moreover, this combination contributes to muscle fatigue and aerobic performance through synthesis of ATP and reduction in the buildup of lactic acid. 

Mechanisms of Action

This is something known as L-Citrulline and how it operates within the human body

Upon consumption, L-Citrulline gets converted to L-Citrulline again, and through the circulatory system, is conveyed to the kidney, whereby it is converted to L-arginine.

This process increases the solubility and absorption of L-arginine and is superior to the administration of L-arginine since it will be absorbed better. 

The L-arginine in high concentration leads to utmost formation of nitric oxide which aids in dilation of blood vessels and increased blood circulation. 

Thus, here’s how Citrulline Malate improves performance:Thus, here’s how Citrulline Malate improves performance:

Citrulline Malate operates through dual mechanisms: 

Two of such pathways are the urea cycle that helps synthesise ammonia and the citric acid cycle for synthesising other compounds. Failing that it assists to detoxify ammonia and in the process prevents accumulation of products that lead to fatigue. 

Also, in relation to exercise fatigue, malic acid plays a role in ATP generation thus making available energy for muscles during exercise. 

L-Citrulline Benefits

Known chemically as L-Citrulline, it aids in the delivery of blood and oxygen around the body making muscles to pump well especially during the workout. 

It also expands blood vessels, hence reducing stress or pressure on hypertension by dilating veins; besides exercising during sports it can also aid in exercising in everyday activities.

Increasing the number of nitric oxide enables a better supply of nutrients to muscles for rebuilding and replacing damaged or lost muscles.

Citrulline Malate Benefits

It is especially appreciated as a muscle recovery aid and a muscle endurance enhancer, not only because it promotes muscle tissue repair and reduces muscle pain. 

This hampers the habit of muscle fatigue and allows the removal of lactic acid and ammonia within muscles. 

This results in endurance exercise capacity and hence the ability for athletes to perform at a better capacity for longer durations.

In addition, there are various effects attributable to the existence of malic acid which boosts the ATP generation to meet the energy requirements.

Dosage and Timing

Recommended Dosage for L-Citrulline

L-Citrulline supplementation dosage differs according to the type and form, however, to achieve the right nitric oxide dose, it is advised that L-Citrulline should be taken within the range of 3 to 6 grams daily. 

For optimal absorption and effectiveness, it is often recommended to split the dose into two intakes: However, if the aim is to have more intakes a day they should drink one shake in the morning and the second one before exercising.

Also, L-Citrulline can be combined with other nitric oxide supporting supplements such as Beetroot extracts as another bonus.

Dose of citrulline malate 

The recommended dose of this supplement is citrulline malate is 6-8 grams for adults in one serving.

condensed information

Dosage range of Citrulline Malate is set at 6-8 gm per day. This dosage is meant to be taken 30-60 mins before engaging in any form of activity that needs performance enhancement.

People like using it as one capsule supplement or like the normal way of using it which is as part of the pre-workout supplement.

Dosage and Timing of L Citrulline and Citrulline Malate

Side Effects and Safety

Side Effects of L-Citrulline 

L-Citrulline is a safe supplement that has been known to cause some side effects, although this is very rare, as shown below.

It has also been proved to have minimal side effects and can be taken at any given time of the day as, has minor propensity to interact with other compounds. 

Though, at high ingestion levels, this may cause some side effects on the gastrointestinal tract such as bloating and diarrhoea in human beings.

These effects can however be managed by starting with the least quantity that is prescribed and then increasing the dosage progressively.

Side Effects of L-Citrulline 

Adverse effects of taking Citrulline Malate

As previously explained, L-Citrulline and Citrulline Malate are relatively safe to most populations with only a couple of drawbacks, but in this particular aspect.

They are fairly limited. Categorised by their intensity, side effects include gastrointestinal disorders which are rarely experienced by the users but they occur when one administers a high dose of the drug other than the one prescribed by the doctors. 

Additionally, side effects may also arise if one takes more than what is advised as recommended doses, and thus, one should consult a doctor before opting for supplements.

This paper is a writing that compares two products, L-Citrulline and Citrulline Malate.

When it comes to goal attainment, which of the two is more suitable if you want to attain your goals?

It will, therefore, depend on the purpose that is in focus between opting for L-Citrulline and Citrulline Malate supplement. 

Therefore, L-Citrulline is superior in case of supplementation for those who are in need of an immediate vasodilator/pre- workout strike that boosts production of nitric oxide and blood flow.

However, Citrulline Malate is also very much appreciated because it has an additional benefit of eliminating muscle soreness that proves highly useful especially if a sport involves intensity or endurance.

Myths and Misconceptions

Despite the fact that citrulline supplement is relatively new in the market, it has received so many myths and this particular article focuses on discussing a few of them.

One of the misleading nuggets associated with L-arginine is that a higher dosage is more beneficial than L-Citrulline in creating Nitric oxide. However, L-Citrulline was concluded to be better than L-Arginine because of its efficiency through the rate of bioavailability and conversion.

The second myth is connected with the effects that originated from Citrulline Malate stating that the effect derives from L-Citrulline neglecting the presence of malic acid which is included largely to enhance ATP production and reduce the fatigue.

Therefore, the research findings and opinions of the experts during interviews are important in documenting the kind of experiences …

What the Studies Say

The former seems to show improved performance, and it was found that the latter, which refers to L-Citrulline, has performance enhancing properties. 

A paper in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that showed that supplementation with Citrulline Malate provided a considerable decrease in muscle soreness and an enhanced exercise outcome.

One other research that was conducted by the British Journal of Sports Medicine shed more light on L-Citrulline and how it helped to boost nitric oxide levels hence improving the circulation of blood in the chambers.


Comparing L-Citrulline and Citrulline Malate, it is only suitable to consider a couple of options depending on one’s performance requirements and effects established on the supplements. 

Each has a lot of benefits to gain, and it seems to depend on one’s choice and the activities that the person is involved in.

Nutrition advice can be sought from a qualified health care practitioner or from a qualified sports nutritionist, which will suit the person’s health and fitness requirement.


This is a question that many people ask, so here is a short and clear answer:

L-Citrulline is an amino acid, free from any additives and mainly used to boost nitric oxide synthesis, while Citrulline Malate is a blend of L-Citrulline and malic acid, making it even more effective in regard to ATP creation and muscle fatigue.

Is it possible to use not only L-Citrulline, but also Citrulline Malate?

Yes, one can take both simultaneously as they have their own benefits; however, it is recommended to control the amount of supplements taken at a single time as it may upset the tummy.

Citrulline Malate proved to be effective if taken for at least four weeks so we have no idea of how long it takes to work if used for a shorter time.

The effects of Citrulline malate start to appear in about 30 to 60 minutes, which means that it is best taken before working out.

Does anybody know how Citrulline suppose present interactions with other medicines?

Some drugs that have an impact on blood pressure can cause interference with citrulline supplements. There may however be an issue with what kind of supplements an individual should take and this needs the opinion of a doctor.

Yes, Citrulline supplements are safe to be had a day, and there isn’t a maximum limit recommended by medical practitioners to clients.

Yes, Citrulline supplement can be used on a daily basis without any side effects if taken within the recommended dosage range.


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