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morning coffee tips with no side effect

wellhealthorganic.com : morning coffee tips with no side effect – Get Tips with No Side Effects

by Brandon

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One can take coffee every morning without side effects by taking moderate amounts, selecting low acid types, and reducing sugar and creams added to the coffee. 

This problem can also be avoided by having a healthy breakfast together with the coffee since it will reduce the risk of suffering from digestion among other complications hence a healthier manner of taking coffee and enjoying it.


Being the number one beverage to be consumed by many people in everyday life, coffee is known to help a person feel invigorated and focused. However, it reveals manifold side effects basically due to its caffeine content and acidity. 

Reviewing these probable problems and methods of lessening them will thus be important to those desiring to enjoy their morning cup of coffee without putting health into jeopardy.

How Coffee Affects Health?

Caffeine is known to be a central nervous system stimulant, the principal active compound in coffee. While capable of increasing vigilance, concentration, and physical performance, excess intake may result in such undesirable side effects as nervousness, jitters, digestive pain, and disturbed sleep.

For some people, this can be manifested at very low levels due to individual variability in body metabolism.

Possible Side Effects of Coffee Consumption

  • Anxiety and Jitteriness

Too much adrenaline can flood the system due to caffeine intake, making a person over alert. Mostly it is combined with anxiety and physiological jitteriness.

Even one cup of coffee may make the caffeine-sensitive person’s experience such feelings. Monitor your body’s reaction to it and adjust accordingly to avoid such unpleasant feelings.

  • Digestive Issues

This can have more acidic effects on people who tend to have acid reflux or who have gastritis. If the coffee is taken on an empty stomach, that will cause a disturbance in the stomach and enhanced discomfort.

Some low-acidity options with regard to coffee would be cold brew or even coffee that has been brewed from some Arabic beans. This is not too hard on the stomach.

  • Disturbances in Sleep

Since it is a stimulant, its actions can continue for a number of hours and may interfere with sleep when taken later in the day.

The coffee intake must, therefore, be limited to the morning or early afternoon so as not to interfere with normal sleep. This is more significant for those individuals who are sensitive to caffeine or have some background problems in sleep.

  • Increased Heart Rate

Caffeine belongs to the known stimulants of an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, at least for a short time. However, typical consumption of it is generally safe for most people who are healthy.

Still, those with certain heart conditions need to be more circumspect and heed professional advice from health providers on the amount of coffee they drink.

Choosing the Right Coffee for Healthier Living

The type of coffee you choose can make all the difference in what it does to your body. Here are some ways to guide you in making a better choice of the type of coffee you consume:

Low-Acid Coffee Options

The low-acid types, such as those resulting from cold brewing or prepared from some Arabica beans, are factors that can reduce the risk of digestive upset from coffee.

In that regard, cold brew coffee is especially good since it is generally smoother and a lot less acidic in taste compared to hot-brewed coffee.

Brewing technique involves the steeping of coffee grounds in cold water for some time, so the beverage that is derived from this process is of lower acidity and more stomach-friendly.

Importance of Fresh and Organic Beans

By opting for organic coffee, one consumes fewer pesticides and artificial fertilizers that are used to the extreme in the growth of coffee beans for conventionally produced coffee.

There is also a higher probability that organic coffee beans will preserve more antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative stress and favour well-being.

Another characteristic is freshness. Freshly roasted coffee beans, of course, retain more natural flavours and compounds that benefit health. Keep the beans fresh in an airtight container and only grind before brewing to ensure maximum flavour.

How to Make Your Coffee Healthier

While black coffee is healthy in itself, adding some ingredients can highly maximize its health benefits while minimizing its negative side effects.

These would include the following natural sweeteners and milk substitutes instead of using refined sugars in your coffee, such as honey, stevia, and agave nectar.

These substitutes have very minimal chances of spiking blood sugar as compared to regular sugar and thus contribute towards stable blood sugar levels.

Like the milk added as a topping in your everyday cup, milk alternatives will hence reduce your calorie intake and also be suitable for those who are lactose intolerants.

With added calcium and vitamins, such milk alternatives increase the nutritional value of your coffee even further.

Addition of Spices and Superfoods:

Add spices like cinnamon and turmeric for more health benefits. On the other hand, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and might maintain the normal blood sugar level.

Turmeric contains an antioxidant with very strong anti-inflammation action. Add a little coconut oil into your coffee as well. This is definitely a kind of very positive fat which will help you crank up your metabolism and feel your energy heightened.

Best Practices for Coffee Consumption

Timing and moderation are important things toward having fun with coffee without side effects. Here are some best practices:

Timing and Moderation

Generally, one should not take more than 400 milligrams a day, which comes to about four cups of brewed coffee. In its modest quantity, intake of coffee can avert some negative effects attributed to high consumption of caffeine, for example, inducing anxiety or interfering with sleeping.


The timing also matters, whereby the coffee intake should take place mainly during the morning or early afternoon so as not to interfere with sleeping.

Pair the Coffee Intake with a Balanced Diet

Severe acidic effects can be brought about by the consumption of coffee on an empty stomach and may cause digestive problems.

Pair it with a healthy breakfast that has whole grains, fruits, and proteins to help abate this. This could help in levelling your blood sugar spikes and will give you energy for the morning.

Bringing Mindfulness into Coffee Drinking

This can really maximize a coffee experience by smelling the smell, tasting the flavor, and feeling the texture in every sip to satisfy the overall sense of having coffee.

This practice, according to her, heightens the enjoyment and provides for slow consumption that may help not overconsume, therefore preventing related side effects.

Moreover, some mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, are said to decrease stress and increase well-being if added to one’s morning routine.


At what time of the day should I drink coffee to not have any sleeping-related issues?

The best time to have coffee would be in the morning or early afternoon. What happens is that caffeine seems to act on sleeping if ingested later in the day. Actually, caffeine stays within the body for some hours; hence, intake during the late afternoon and evening is best avoided.

How can I de-acidify my coffee?

You can also try low-acid coffee beans, like cold brew or some types of Arabica. Also, a little baking soda added to your coffee will also neutralise some of the acids.

Are there any healthy alternatives to sugar in your coffee?

Yes: natural sweeteners such as honey, stevia, and agave are excellent alternatives to sugar. They offer sweetness sans the high glycemic impact bound to refined sugars.

Should I drink coffee on an empty stomach?

Do not take coffee on an empty stomach, since it is going to raise the level of acidity in the stomach and cause some discomfort in digestion. It is always better to drink it with a balanced meal.

What amount of coffee would then be safe to take daily?

A safe amount of coffee means containing up to 400 milligrams per day, approximately what is obtained in four cups of brewed coffee. It varies from person to person, though; some are more tolerant.

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