Home » How Often Should You Take Pre-Workout? When to Take It, and Why What is Pre-Workout?

How Often Should You Take Pre-Workout? When to Take It, and Why What is Pre-Workout?

by Brandon

Query Answer:

Pre-workout supplements should be taken 20-30 minutes before the exercise, which ensures that the active contents of the supplement reach the bloodstream.so they can create peak energy and focus in the body during the exercise.

Avoid taking pre-workout before bedtime because the stimulant effects from substances such as caffeine really play havoc with sleep.

What is Pre-Workout?

Pre-workout supplements are those substances that aim at building more energy, help in improving attention, and performance during exercises. 

The ingredients of such supplements usually involve a blend of caffeine, amino acids, beta-alanine, creatine, and a number of other ingredients to add on time that prevents fatigue while exercising. 

The pre-workouts coming out are mainly about improving the physical and mental energies in order to boost productivity at work.

Active Ingredients


This acts as a central nervous system stimulant, keeping the person awake or energized.


It delays the onset of muscle fatigue and prevents the production of lactic acid. So, it also prevents gradual development in muscles.


This chemical is utilized to increase strength in muscles as well as maintain them. Creatine is more effective with forceful exercises.

Best Time to Have Maximum Effectivity from it

Best Timing for Pre-workout According to the preference, most pre-workouts are ideal when taken 20-30 minutes before doing any form of workout. In most cases, this is the time that has usually peaked by the time the workout begins and thus will exhibit high levels in the blood at that moment, maximizing the effects of the supplement. 

For example, someone might take their pre-workout at the same time that they prepare for their daily morning routine; however, one should not wake up after taking a supplement with a stimulant. For trainees who prefer training late in the afternoon or in the evening, pre-workout should be taken much earlier in the day or several hours before sleep time.

Since caffeine has a long half-life and it takes approximately 4 to 6 hours for the concentration of its active ingredient to be halved, pre-workout ingested close to sleep time may cause problems with sleep onset, which negatively affects the circadian rhythms and recovery. Another factor upon which pre-workout supplements rely to work is timing.

If this supplement of pre-workout happens to be taken earlier, then it would peak at a time by which it is almost close to its expiry; thus, one may get less work as the probably weak effects of this supplement during exercising. On the other hand, if taken too late, it would have overstimulated after the exercise, especially if caffeine is still highly active in the system, and would therefore more than likely cause shakiness or extended muscle fatigue.

Incorrect Timing Effects

Too Early:

One would have low energy and no concentration at critical times of workout.

Too Late:

It would get in the way of the recovery time after the workout, and might even over stimulate.

How to Take Pre-Workout Supplements

Good Practices

The most commonly found powder for pre-workout supplement is supplement powder. For consumption, the powder must be mixed with water with the guidance of the manufacturer.

The amount recommended as a serving by the manufacturer should be observed because higher servings bring bad side effects such as heart rate boost, nausea, or a jumpy feeling.

Serving Size

Most brands will recommend 1-2 scoops depending on product strength and tolerance.

Avoid Overuse

Of course, you should always heed what the label says, so as not to stimulate too much by caffeine.

Side Effects for Newbies

Any first-timer to pre-workouts should start low and titrate up to the recommended full dose, if tolerated. 

This may help minimize the risk of actually feeling some of those stronger side effects beta-alanine is well known for, such as the dreaded “beta-alanine tingle,” or getting too much jitters from the caffeine.

How Long Does Pre-Workout Last?

Duration of Effects:

The effects typically last for 4-6 hours, though peak effects are most visible after one hour within an hour. This, of course, is dependent on metabolic rate, body composition, and other active constituents in the pre-workout supplement.

Moderating Factors

Caffeine Content:

Normally the half-life of caffeine ranges between 4-6 hours. According to this, the influence of that pre-workout will remain as long as that time. The slow metabolism and those who are used to not drinking too much coffee will feel its effects for a longer period.

Workout Intensity:

If a person has to work out more, then those energy stores will deplete much faster. The perceived impact of the pre-workout supplement in such a case would therefore be for a shorter duration.


What is the ideal pre-workout if one is working out in the morning?

Take this 20-30 minutes before your workout, not right after waking so you aren’t overamped.

Can I take pre-workout on an empty stomach?

Yeah, you can get pretty good effects from pre-workout on an empty stomach because it absorbs much better. Although it can’t be taken in an empty stomach because that is just going to give nausea while they are sensitive to caffeine.

What happens if I take them near bedtime?

That pre-workout with caffeine is going to run into your sleep cycle so you would have poor recovery and a bad sleep. The end.

Is it safe to take a pre-workout supplement each day?

Pre-workout is usually fine when taken based on prescription. If taken regularly, though, one’s body will simply build tolerance for the component, diminishing its effect. It is best to cycle off the pre-workout sometimes so that the body will always be sensitive to the contents.

How long does one take in the pre-workout and really feel the effect?

The effect, though now starting to become apparent after 20-30 minutes of administration, peaks and occurs between 30-60 minutes of exercise.

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