Home » Does Singing Burn Calories? – Understanding the Impact 2024
does singing burn calories

Does Singing Burn Calories? – Understanding the Impact 2024

by Wendy

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Yes, one burns some calories when singing. For example, an average person consumes 136 calories per hour while singing. This is relative to the size of your body and how intense you are in terms of a song. 

During the process of singing, abdominal muscles are engaged for exhalation, and the diaphragm for inhalation helps to raise your metabolic rate to burn calories.


Many people have the most straightforward question in mind: Does singing burn calories and help lose weight? 

Even though many times, for many of us, it is considered as one of those activities that emanate from creativity and enjoyment, at the physical level, it really is very demanding and enhances health in general. 

We’ll share how singing burns calories, other health benefits that come with singing, and how you can incorporate it into your daily activities.

How Singing Burns Calories: 

Physiology of Singing

Singing can engage specific sets of muscles in the body, such as the diaphragm, abdominal, and intercostal muscles. 

Each of these muscles is contracted and released for an extended period when a person inhales and exhales. This movement helps increase the resting basal level of calories being burned.

In other words, it also involves controlled breathing and the urge to get vocal in order to raise heartbeats and therefore really up one’s metabolism.

Involvement of the Diaphragm :

The diaphragm stands for a basic musculature of singing, in charge of breath support and stability.

Abdominal Muscles:

These are used to exhale forcibly, in an effort to maintain pitch and volume.

Intercostal Muscles:

The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs, which form the raising or holding up of the ribcage outward in expansion and lowering of it inward during contraction while breathing.

Caloric Expenditure.

It can, on average, burn around 136 calories per hour. This would depend on the size of the person, intensity of singing, and time. Clearly, state performances or more intense and longer practice sessions will raise the count of calories that get burned.

Other Advantages of Singing Apart from Burning Calories

Cardiovascular Health

Singing has several effects on cardiovascular health:

Improved Circulation:

The increased flow of blood improves circulation due to singing.

Sustained singing raises heart rate, thereby contributing to good heart health.


It’s possible, therefore, that regular singing exercises may improve an individual’s stamina and endurance in much the same way aerobic exercises do.

Mental Health Benefits

Singing has numerous effects on mental health, including the following:

Stress Reduction:

Singing discharges endorphins that assist in the reduction of stress and foster a feel-good factor.

Cognitive Function:

Regular singing can enhance memory, clarity, and concentration of the mind.

Mood Enhancement:

Singing enhances one’s mood and might counteract symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Respiratory Health

Singing has the following benefits for respiratory health:

Lung Capacity:

Singing gives a feature of lung markup and the building up of muscles which are used in breath up.

Breathing Techniques: 

The practice of proper breathing techniques for singing can develop a better respiratory system in general. It functions separately without much interference from the general process of breathing.

Respiratory Control:

Singers gain more control over breathing, which can be very useful in the case of asthma patients or some other respiratory disordered patients. Comparing Singing with Other Activities

Singing vs. Speaking

It is plain logic that singing, involving the continuous use of one’s respiratory and abdominal muscles, often is a better calorie burner compared to speaking. 

The primary use in speaking is all about the vocal cords and some facial muscles, while the act of singing, by definition, is efficient and coordinated use of the whole body.

While it is true that singing does not burn as many calories as active exercises like running or cycling, nevertheless, it also adds up to the overall count of the number of calories one expends for better well-being.

Comparatively speaking, in relation to calorie burning, physical exercises are characterised in general by a greater involvement of the core musculature and a more pronounced effect on metabolism. 

The same singing, however, incorporates physiology, psychology, and emotions. Running: High in intensity, works lower body muscles, burns many calories.


Medium to high intensity action ; works cycling-type muscle use, mainly of the legs; high calorie burn.


Low-moderate intensity, full-body engagement with moderate metabolism.

Bring Singing into Routine: 

Practical Tips

Sing on a regular basis, and the calories will never stop burning. Plan out times to sing during, say, a daily commute, while doing some of the household chores, or in a well-structured practice session. 

Combine It with Some Physical Activity: 

Combine a little singing with lighter activities, such as walking or stretching, in an attempt to boost up the burning of calories while at the same time using the singing to make the activity more enjoyable.

Join a Choir:

Involve in regular singing with the use of a choir. Choral practices and performances have extra added social benefits as well. 

Most of the choirs have regularised rehearsals along with performances, which enhance both the duration and the intensity of the singing sessions.

Karaoke Sessions:

Practice karaoke with friends or relatives. This will help you in practising your singing and burning extra calories by moving to the beats.

Singing Lessons:

Take singing lessons to develop good technique and really work intently in practice. A professional voice coach can show you specifically how to improve your breathing, which will magnify the physiological benefit of your singing time even more.


How many calories does an hour of singing burn?

Overall, serenading will generally burn about 136 calories an hour. These are close estimates but vary slightly for different intensities of singing or different people.

Does singing burn belly fat?

Yes, singing in general helps you reduce weight as part of a bigger regimen that includes other things like diet and exercise. It does this because singing aids in burning extra calories, although not as much as strenuous exercise, but more in terms of losing yourself in the activity to maintain your weight.

Does singing benefit mental health?

It means therefore it can ease someone’s stress and fatigue since it releases endorphins on the exercise of their brain to think clearly with high memory, at the same time give one being well and helps elevate the moods.

Does singing give an exercise?

While this may not be as thorough an exercise as regular workout exercises, singing certainly does include a lot of physical activity involving the use of several groups of muscles that will work by pumping the blood and hence churning out more calories. 

There is low-impact aerobic exercise that will keep one active in the process, therefore improving health by leaps and bounds.

How often should I sing to see benefits?

Therefore, this is an activity that one should be able to incorporate into one’s daily routine to be able to take advantage of the benefits this will reap in cardiovascular, respiratory, and mental health.

Regular practice greatly improves even for short periods?

It just serves to prove that singing is not only a means of exciting fun and self-expression but also holds many physiological and mental health benefits—not to mention the benefits to cardiovascular health.

Knowing these advantages, you could be sure to make singing part of a healthy life. Singing to the tune of your favourite song playing over the radio, in a choir, or solo—whatever chooses you alone—keeps it a habituated activity to enjoy its overall benefits. 

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